Nobody knows who was right, we only know who is left now.
Two survivors, two perspectives
Our story began from two different individual’s viewpoints, one from a lone human whose mind was set to kill every last of “Manusia” and the other view of how a young “Manusia” strives to live on for another day.
What would happen when their paths cross each other?

Postpective 01 - Ezekiel 's Arc (viewpoint of human)
This is a collaboration comic project that I have done with my ex-colleague Zhi Rong, during my short stay of 1 and a half moths in Ntu Game Lab. (Also my first job out of army) Onstart of this project, Zhi Rong and I acknowledged that we have drastic different styles, so we thought we might as well make it our advantage and do our individual comic the way we want ourselves, yet having a same background story to link our comic together. There was alot of "freeplay" given that we are still in this lab. Luckily we can use our own favourite programs to make this work.
So we came out with 2 indiviual comic of 2 different styles, each giving from the perspective of our main character. I take on the Human viewpoint and male protragionst Ezekiel, while Zhi Rong takes on the cute yet msyterious girl/manusia protragionst Ishtar.
As usual, tight deadlines and overnight stay, seems to nothing new anymore. Well we're gald we got it out and finished. :)